Monday, November 24, 2008

Very tall

We spent some time near the CN Tower this weekend and every time I walked under the tower, I looked up and thought how incredibly large it is. We did run into some friends who've done the climb, though, and they assured us that's not difficult at all. Really. They did give some advice - wear gloves. Apparently by the time you get to the top after all those who've gone before you, the banister is a bit.... wet.

We've collected a few more teammates for the first couple events. A lot of people seem to be interested in the snowshoe race, including a few who've never snowshoed. One speculated that it's pretty much like walking around in the snow in big clown shoes. Yep, pretty much. We also have a couple people willing to do the Resolution Run on New Years Day, including one coming all the way from Ohio.

Registration for the snowshoe race will be opening soon. Resolution Run registration is open now. The number of runners is limited (apparently there are lots of other who think this is a fun thing to do), so don't wait too long. Let us know once you've signed up and we'll figure out a time and place for us all to meet.

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